Last week I wrote:
An appeal: I’m putting together a list of books to recommend to my kids as part of an incentivized reading program I am designing. If you have literary classics, book series, or stand alone novels to recommend that are appropriate for elementary and middle school aged children, send them my way. I’m building a list!
I received answers!
You can find the entire list here, as well as how our family will proceed this summer. There are a lot of titles. Thanks to those who wrote and gave recommendations. Thanks as well to those who responded to Molly’s appeal on social media.
One more item to share this week:
There’s an obvious works-righteousness problem here, but the point is well taken. Being physically present for worship, fellowship, and witness with a congregation in the flesh does make a difference!
Book Notes
Still reading Ron Chernow’s Washington, and I’m enjoying Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash.
In the area of Christian spiritual formation, I’ve begun Stephen Macchia’s The Discerning Life: An Invitation to Notice God in Everything. I’ve write a review of this book later this summer for ERB. I like it so far.
I enjoyed Macchia’s Crafting a Rule of Life.
Macchia opens his new book with a tip of the cap to Reuben Job’s teaching to “practice a preference for God.” To do so, you have to pay attention, which is one shade of what it means to abide in Christ or to walk by the Spirit. This posture is an attitude and a disposition, one that is learned over time. But it is possible. With God’s help, we can differentiate between those things that are of God and not of God. The Discerning Life is an attempt to clarify this task and to help people do it.
Sights and Sounds
I watched The Matrix Resurrections (2021) this week and told my best friend that “it was one big okay.”
I also filmed fifteen mini-lectures this week and accompanying introductory videos. So, I spent more time in front of a camera than I did watching movies.
Last Words
On the blog: a joke about the Jimbo/Saban feud and a reminder to see what’s not there.
Before I go, standard copy.
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Be well this week. Bless others.
P.S. - I asked this display stand how to receive my free COVID test. No answer. Still waiting on a response!