This past weekend I had the chance to preach at First United Methodist Church Killeen, Texas on Psalm 1. Here’s an excerpt:
Jesus was, and is, the blessed person. He does not follow the advice of the wicked, nor walk in the path of sinners, nor take the place of the scoffer. He was delighted to do his Father’s will. He meditated on God’s commands, and kept them, perfectly. He bore good fruit.
Not only did he stand tall like a tree planted by a stream. He was planted on a tree, the tree of our redemption. He was nailed to a cross. He was scorned and mocked by the wicked, sinners, and the foolish. He was crucified as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. He not only kept God’s commands. But he paid the due penalty for breaking God’s commands, and he did so for us.
That’s something to delight in.
Why do we delight in the Lord? Why do we meditate on God’s commands, and God’s wondrous works? Why do we live a life of obedience? Why do we seek the way of righteousness? Not to make ourselves acceptable to God. That is beyond our power. No. Jesus is our reason to delight in God. Look at him. In and through Christ, we have been made acceptable to God. Our sins are forgiven.
Through faith, we receive living water. In Christ, we have life, abundant life. We prosper. Not in the sense that we have wealth, or status, or influence. But because we have him.
We behold his beauty. We delight in him.
To view the rest of the sermon, click here.
Book Notes
I’m reading Ron Chernow’s Washington. I’m also reading Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.
Sights and Sounds
Spoon dropped their new album Lucifer on the Sofa. I’ve also been listening to the Three Tenors. Weird combo.
I’ve also been watching bits and pieces of Netflix comedy specials: Joe Rogan’s Strange Times and Ricky Gervais’ Humanity.
Last weekend I wrapped up Disney’s The Book of Boba Fett, a six episode space western. My verdict? It had its moments, but overall, it’s not good.
Last Words
On the blog: a question about apps and spiritual formation, an observation about sharing faith, and my recommending the prayer collection Every Moment Holy.
Last week I wrote about my daily drawing practice. Here’s a week’s worth of drawings:
Before I go, standard copy.
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Be well this week. Bless others.
P.S. - Construction continues on the Baylor campus. Here’s the scaffolding for the Mark and Paula Hurd Welcome Center, going in right across the way from Truett.